Meta.Virtual Landscapes

In the virtual worlds of the near future, interconnected human brains will generate design scenarios together, each contributing simultaneously.

The advantage of Game Engines is to enable complex photorealistic visualizations in real time, which is able to render large 3D models. These models are procedurally generated with physically correct materiality and lighting. The human brain simultaneously elaborates and analyzes the produced space, through the lens of a non-invasive neural interface and the possibility of eye tracking (Eye-Tracking), both included in the state-of-the-art VR headset that we use in the experiment. For example, if it prefers the model with more or less gaps, the brain can indirectly change the colors or light of the environment.

In the virtual worlds of the near future, interconnected human brains will generate design scenarios together, each contributing simultaneously.

The space controlled by an AI which changes the environment in real time, based on the user's emotions, and read through the prism of a non-invasive neural interface. The AI is trying to understand, for example, when it would like more sun, or prefers a certain shape, without anyone explaining it. We could say that it is a very conceptual variant of Minecraft, in which space is generated as a result of reading and processing the user's emotions, through parameters that generate its form and design.

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