Social Prosthetics

The design no longer belongs to the physical world, but to the social realm.

Social Prosthetics an experimental project, developed on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the first Dada exhibition and made with three students from the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, where the design no longer belongs to the physical world, but to the social realm.

In tectonic architecture, the house is a mediator between the human body and the physical, natural external environment (cold, rain, wind) to which it is subjected and against which it protects. In this project, however, the house is a mediator between the human body, the human psyche, and the social realm. It will not be a house that is built in a place, but that manifests itself in a social context. The re-sulting project is, in fact, a mediation of the frustrations and feelings, in relation to this social environment, of the three protagonists. “For example, for an anxious person, on whom the social environment exerts a very high pressure, the generated architecture comes as a digital-empathic response that protects and helps at the same time.”

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