Virtual Pshychospace, Empathic Computing

We find ourselves at the dawn of a new age that redefines the main referential notions for reality, experience, morality, empathy and space.

We find ourselves at the dawn of a new age that redefines the main referential notions for reality, experience, morality, empathy and space. An age of redefining humanity via our own techno-social contraptions. We are already using technology to extend our biological bodies and turn us into cyborg entities without even realizing it. And interacting with technology changes more and more of who we are and how we act both as individuals and as groups. In the age of Big Data, information becomes the new commodity, and those that have it can make use of it for their own agendas, as recent examples in privacy invasion and mass electoral manipulation have proven.

Can we evolve a new type of morality, superior to what humans have or could ever produce on their own, using artificial intelligence driven empathic computation systems capable of grasping the emotional complexity of the world we live in, while factoring both individual aspirations and their globally complex interactions?

Our project is investigating the question of how such a system could potentially be developed and give some insight into how architecture and space can be used in a different way to enable this hyper-empathic, hyper-ethical system.

The Socio-Empathic Game

The necessity to integrate new forms of entertainment while providing the frame for most if not all social needs lead to the premise of our proposal: The Socio-Empathic Game (SEG).

SEG id based on the idea of an Empathic Pareto Optimality, an extended version of the model proposed by Vilfredo Pareto, where the empathic distribution of emotional resources defines the Pareto frontier. Its quest is that of constantly improving this front and maximize the individual and overall emotional healing and development. The SEG uses visual and spatial metaphors to create social worlds and universes where spatial rules and interactions revolve around the notion of experience, with the ultimate goal of being a global scale empathic catalyst. The SEG operates in a new dimension of reality where there are no hard rules or fixed goals, where discrete mood and empathic atmospheric changes result as the “by-product” of a computational process.

Core to SEG, high-level AI systems evolve and develop a complex ethical and moral system by performing Spatial-Empathic Computations.

The Spatial Computing

Inspired from analogies to biochemical processes, where form finding spatial processes like the Protein Folding, can solve extremely complex problems that enable the translation of non-inherently spatial problems into spatial computations and vice-versa, SEG uses Pyscho-emotional neurofeedback loops to continuously analyze and improve the empathic landscape at micro and macro scale. By encoding the emotional profile of its participants into three-dimensional shapes that capture the core, state and instantaneous empathic features and spatially balancing their internal and external interactions, a computation system that uses EEG-powered VR tech scans, analyses, spatially encodes, computes and then re-projects into the empathic realm.

This is a project that investigates the potential of architecture and space to help solve societal problems that might not intuitively seem to have spatial solutions. It hopes to open a discussion about Empathic Architecture & Computation.

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